Talented artists in their own right, identical twins Stella and Gem form the Two Faced Twins, an artistic duo based in Worthing. Designing together, they create striking, statement art pieces for contemporary homes, such as their bold and colourful series on Worthing (Dome Cinema / Worthing Pier / Southern Pavillion / Royal Arcade).
Illustration graduate Stella creates the initial, detailed illustrations in black and white. Then, Gem takes over and works on them digitally – manipulating her sister’s designs and adding eccentric colours and patterns. As twins, one would be unable to work without the other. Stella has never been able to work with colour, and seeing as Gem can’t draw to save her life, their opposing artistic skills mean they fit together like a jigsaw; the perfect team.
For the most part, Two Faced Twins is an online business, working heavily on social media to create visual content of their art being produced. Summer 2020 saw them showcasing their artwork along Worthing seafront for the first time, allowing the public to view their work in person.
Contact Stella and Gem today to ask about a commission.